Prime Caregivers

Caregiver Registration

Home > Caregiver Registration

Thank you for your interest in becoming part of our database at Prime Caregivers. Please complete and submit this application so we can begin the process of matching you with a client.



Kindly check the basic duties and responsibilities of caregiving that you have done or comfortable doing for the patient.

Emergency Contact

Additional Information


Provide copies of certifications during the hiring process.
Kindly upload here the copy of your HCA if you have one.

Training and Education

Work Experience

Please list your most recent employers first

Work Experience 2

Please upload any valid ID on this section (Driver's License, California ID or Passport)
Please upload here your COVID vaccination card
Prime Caregivers is a Referral Agency. Prime Caregivers does not employ any Caregivers. All information obtained is stored in our secure database and will be matched to clients with no discrimination.